
Chongqing Evening News family conflicts trouble the couple,giubbotti moncler,http://www.freegraphicland.com, the husband and his wife also domestic violence. This can put my wife getting mad, my wife went to the police station to report her husband rub free bus ride 700 times. My husband has therefore been sentenced.

There is no reason to hate. Little America hates her husband Liu Chengdong, from Liu Chengdong of domestic violence. Mel says her husband often bruises, bruises everywhere who are. She hated her husband ruthless. So long to report her husband sitting on the edge of the bus, trying to up the old public relations.

February 3 last year,http://morikinoko.com, the United States handed over to police a small stack of tickets and a fake certificate disabled soldiers. She told police that her husband had never been a soldier, but with forged certificates disabled soldiers, in Nanping transportation hub have had free bus IC card, and long bus rub with this card. Also flew with a fake certificate disabled soldiers enjoy the special care and coach tickets,http://www.pachi.net, enjoy free of charge to the area.

America's small pile of tickets to the police, there are 17 bus tickets (special care votes). Police statistics a bit, these tickets are half-price ticket, which from Chaotianmen bus station in Wulong 9 tickets, tickets are 21 yuan, take the time from August 2010 to November. Bus ticket from Chongqing Wulong to have eight,http://www.thiefmissions.com, fares are $ 20,louboutin femme, take the time from August 2010 to November. If calculated at full price ticket,moncler sito ufficiale, he saves 349 yuan.

US report on small buses rub fact, police in Chongqing City Card LLC extract the credit card data. These data show that Liu Chengdong initial permits for disabled soldiers with a free bus IC card,moncler donna, this bus IC card swipe free rides totaling 778 times.

Mel said her husband often beat her, she asked her husband should be held accountable not only the use of false certificates of disabled soldiers,piumino moncler, but also to pursue the implementation of the responsibility for her domestic violence.

Liu Chengdong beat his wife,tiffany outlet, and why big no, no issues of principle occur between husband and wife.

8 o'clock in the morning of the incident, after getting up to go to the toilet to wash small United States, Liu Chengdong trivia sulking because of a small US roared, "I bought the washbasin, you get out." Little America to swallow,louboutin pas cher,http://www.bjygl.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=189045, let first wash . Once washing,woolrich prezzi, when she went to wash, she crawled away screaming point,piumino moncler, and the faucet off.

When the small US to open the faucet,http://cgi.www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~akigon-s/cgi-bin2/yybbs.cgi, Liu Chengdong grabbed her hair, after a small US mercy,http://vote.qdxiaoluohao.com/dzx/home.php?mod=space&uid=2595415&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=12072452, also grabbed her finger. The results of her broken left index finger. After identification, a small US sprained index finger for minor injuries.

The reason for the dispute that day, Liu Chengdong said it was because he was not allowed to go out a small US,woolrich roma, was in a dispute.

Although domestic violence is a family dispute between husband and wife,tn requin pas cher, but his wife was identified as minor injuries. By law, more than minor injuries can be held criminally responsible. After the South Bank District Prosecutor's Office for prosecution, the court sentenced intentional assault on 1 year and 3 months. Meanwhile, Liu Chengdong disabled soldiers with fake permits for free bus IC card and enjoy preferential treatment, but also constitute a crime trickster posing as soldiers,moncler milano,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=303, and the sentence of 10 months. Finally, the Court graft 2 years imprisonment to run concurrently.

Chongqing Evening News chief reporter intern Luo Bin Lu Yan