
On the 18th at 2 pm, a 39 Canton Road bus stop sign in the absence of the green belt before the illegal parking and drop-off, Guangdong University of Finance, a 18-year-old freshman girl out of the car; the other one with a green belt next to the open space Parking for the first station 28 bus, the bus turned around just in time, ready to drive onto the road. Almost a 90 degree angle "quitting" the two buses, life.
Source: CCTV News Channel
At present, involved 28 bus driver has been taken away by police.

A car parked a car out of the girls died

16:30 the same day, the reporter at the scene saw 39 bus to the right of the middle part of a multiple hit marks, leaving blood on the car body. Next to the zebra crossing on the left a large share of blood. 28 bus near a side mirror has been broken in two, the front windshield broken, the front left and the front left blood. Painted white marking on the ground can be seen from the police, the 28 bus almost hit 90 degrees 39 bus central body.

Witnesses said Mr. Lin, the scene is 28 bus terminus field. Prior to the incident,bracciale tiffany costo, 39 bus was parked on the roadside passengers up and down,moncler piumini outlet, just stand in front of 28 field bus station exit. "At the time this car 28 road car is out of station, suddenly 'bang' bang,http://student.santarosa.edu, hit the front of the 39 bus." Mr. Lin said, the crowd screams, he saw a skinny girl caught in the between the two vehicles, beaten not move, it was picked up after the ambulance arrived. Reporters learned in the Cave People's Hospital, the injured girls are professional Guangdong University of Finance Foreign freshman, Qi Ming Jiaoluo Friends, Guangdong Zijin County, 18-year-old, due to severe head injury, after she died.

Meet two women shopping separated Yin and Yang

Uncle Luo Qi Friends Lo told reporters that before the incident, and Luo Qi Friends together a girl told him, because no classes in the afternoon on the 18th, she went shopping near two similar Guangdong University. "The girls said they just got off the 28 bus to hit over, she ducked,moncler milano outlet, but Luo Qi Friends was caught in the middle."

7:20 that evening,parka peuterey, Luo Qi Friends of parents rushed to the hospital from Shenzhen, the mother cried in front of the hospital paralyzed, afraid to enter a long time to see his daughter inside.

"She (Luo Qi Friends) very quiet, good grades,hogan outlet napoli, most like to see foreign language books,giubbini moncler prezzi, is the youngest of three sisters, the most obedient." Lo said Luo Qi Friends of the very filial piety, her sudden departure, his family is not bear attack.

39 bus stops alleged violations

Reporter observed about 100 meters away from the accident site within walking distance of the bus station, the incident occurred 39 bus parking on site why not reached it? Several witnesses said the scene is near the 28 bus terminus, many students at the site of the incident in order to save most of the waiting bus 39 passing. "Although there is no platform, but it seems a convention,moncler torino outlet, when 39 bus pass will pause here." A Guangdong University student said. "If the required 39 bus stops,nike requin 2013, my niece certainly not an accident." Lo said.

28 bus driver accused of sloppy

"That girl in (28 bus) in front hit, the driver can not see her do it? Do not see the road when driving it?" Ms Leung said the witnesses, was 28 bus on the left front and Luo Qi Friends and 39 bus collided, and the location is just 28 bus drivers line of sight of the most open places. The reason horrible disaster occurs, is likely to be 28 bus drivers did not carefully check the road ahead, or sometimes do not pay attention to both sides of the case due.

According to the reporter, the incident, 39 bus stop just fall off, just getting moving 28 bus traveling speed is relatively slow. Found in front of the bus at the drop-off, if the 28 bus driver brakes immediately, perhaps to avoid the tragedy occurred.

There are bus stops in violation

According to reports, the accident of two buses belong to Guangzhou Yiqi Bus Company. The head of the company said that the main cause of the accident has two aspects, one is due to municipal construction enclosed sidewalk, leading to the original 28 road cars can not go to the west of the road must be out of the big road,moncler veneto, the second is the construction of enclosed walkways also Passengers must come to the road leading to the coachman, increase security risks.

But reporters at the scene saw the passengers actually having to go to the street to catch the bus, although the western part of the sidewalk enclosed, but still allows pedestrians. Night of the incident 7:30 to 8:00,http://www.axiabridge.com/sunbbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=7&page=, 10 motorcycles were passing near the scene of the bus (28,30,39), and only a 39 bus did not stop at zebra crossing accident "pheasant" site, all the rest of the bus In the "pheasant" drop-off site, then go to the south side of 100 meters at the regular station stops.

■ lawyers say

39 bus if parking violations

Driver or bear criminal responsibility

Zhu Yongping, Guangdong Datong Law Firm lawyers on the matter, said two buses belong to a company, Luo Qi Friends of the death of female students is due to an accident between two vehicles and is therefore a major bus company should bear civil liability, the driver should bear part of the civil liability. Zhu lawyer said that if the police investigation confirmed the existence of 39 bus parking violations case, the car driver was arrested for traffic crime, should be held criminally responsible. As for the 28 bus stop,http://www.ogushow.jp, if it is normal driving,http://ameetshomestyle.com, the driver does not have to bear criminal responsibility. (According to the Yangcheng Evening News, Southern Metropolis Daily Express Nanfang Daily)

■ Reporter visits

Nanjing some bus stops do not outlaw

There are also "clip" the dead may

Guangzhou informed happened two buses "clip" the dead after the accident, the reporter visited the Nanjing new "three middle" bus station,moncler giubbotto, found that if the bus is not completely stop,http://milanpoint.jp, the same "clip" the dead possible.

Yesterday around 18:00, the reporter saw at Nanjing Xinjiekou South Station,scarpe hogan donna outlet, as a time when rush hour, the bus station is very intensive, in order to save time, some of the bus is not completely into the Bay platform,http://taroato-hokuto.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/joyful.cgi, but directly stop In the motor vehicle lane. "As a result,http://miki83659.seesaa.net, the distance bus station and harbor style between buses just to capacity by a private car." Professionals, told reporters that if this time there are private car owners' convenience, "wanted to from here" wear "in the past , it is likely to "clip" to being off passengers. And how to regulate unruly bus, insiders say, there is no good solution. "GPS can not control,http://car-life.adg7.com, and now only a day with a camera and shoot by relevant staff bus companies can always have 'slip through the net'." At present,giubbotto moncler donna, let the bus into the bus station also rely mainly on the driver's conscious and passengers with (not rush to squeeze into the door). Xu Yuan Garden