Beijing, electrical (Beijing correspondent Curly) yesterday 9:00, "Crazy English" founder Li Yang's wife Kim (indictment names used in Chinese Li) Li Yang sued for divorce proceedings, in the Chaoyang District of Beijing Olympics village court hearing, after more than three hours without a public hearing, the couple went out of the court,http://www.hnmama.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1933074, in the face of the media group visit together, both of them disagree. Li Yang reluctantly said: this dispute, in their marriage is the norm.

Li Yang trial before microblogging apologized to his wife

Zhang Jiating much sun photo

Although Kim had repeatedly interviewed by the media, I hope public hearing. However, according to Li Yang's request, the court yesterday on the case heard in public. More than 30 reporters rushed to the scene early in the morning waiting for the more than three hours in the cold.

Before the trial, Li specially updated microblogging apologize to Mrs. children. Said he still loves his wife, and drying out more Zhangjia Ting photo. Microblogging reads as follows: "Today I want to meet his wife, not at home, but my mind did not complain in court and hatred, but to accept, tolerance and gratitude, and even thoughts of personality, cultural differences will not be able to transcend. I will deal with this matter.

These four months, my crazy family events for hundreds of millions of English learners, fans and followers are confused and distressed, I told you my wife, three lovely children again deeply apologize.

Some explanations: First, I certainly love my wife, otherwise how could together for so long, and there are three so healthy, lovely boy.

Second, my wife is not weak, but strong, me and my family, colleagues all do our utmost to meet her, to accommodate her. In order to take care of her feelings, I was homeless for the last four months.

Third,giubbotto moncler prezzo, my children are guinea pigs just a saying, like Shenzhen SAR same. "

Newspaper reporter noted, Li specifically mentioned the reason the child is "Sino-US educational guinea pigs" because his wife before an interview, talking about his daughter Li Yang talked about in the media is an experimental product of argument,giacchetto woolrich, let daughter hurt in school,woolrich parka prezzi, the students call her "mouse."

Li Yang agreed to divorce his wife denied economic blockade

Li Yang denied saying to his wife outside the economic blockade of the rumors, he said his wife now live in the best house. And that their present is a good father, and kids want for Christmas.

Kim has been on the microblogging said that this litigation attorneys' fees are used to pay for children's school fees. Li Yang denied yesterday: "It is false that she compiled Crazy English teaching, is paid every month.

When a reporter asked him: "? You agree to divorce you" Li Yang admitted yesterday: I will. But also stressed that he would accept the mediation of the court. He admitted that he did not much see the number of children, once or twice a month. He will fight for custody of the child, but the child or mother with big is better, because Kim is a good mother.

Had previously interviewed by the media, who openly admitted to his wife of domestic violence. But yesterday,http://www.valdrespaintball.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi,hogan a poco prezzo, before the trial, Li attitude became pale, said he rowdy behavior August 30 is stimulated by Kim words, which led to emotional control. When asked by reporters how to treat domestic violence acts, Li said: "The acts of domestic violence, any adult, kids know that is definitely wrong." He repeatedly said he did not conduct regular domestic violence against his wife.

Li Yang, domestic violence is difficult to make compensation

Wife of proof is more difficult to provide the common property

Kim described in the complaint himself came to China in 1999, met with Li Yang, love,peuterey vendita online, living together in the process, referring to the 12 years, she has written a number of books for Li Yang Crazy English career, recording a large number of audio books,peuterey online,http://itc.scix.net, and participation in training students to work. However, all income Li Yang Crazy English control, and never disclose to his wife, Kim only to necessary expenses of daily life, and only a month to go home a day or two of the three daughters to take care of entirely by Kim.

One important reason is that Kim filed for divorce Li Yang has repeatedly domestic violence against Kim. She specifically mentioned August 30 this year, Li Kim implementation of domestic violence in the home, leading to Kim forehead, ears, legs and so many serious injuries. In this regard, Li told the media to be recognized.

Kim told reporters yesterday: "The most important thing is not a bad guy Li Yang, made a big mistake, the most important is that domestic violence is a big mistake."

Kim's lawyer told reporters: As Li Yang Crazy English has controlled income, Kim Li Yang, the basic condition for the property is not clear, so let her marital status of the property to prove more difficult.

While Kim had previously said Li Yang's personal income mostly for investment in real estate, these property owners are mostly written Li Yang sister names. She had an attorney, because Li Yang has told her to implement personal injury, if she can sue him, asking him personal damages? This is possible in the United States.

But her lawyer told reporters yesterday: This is also possible in China, but the amount of compensation will not be great. Domestic violence is no special law in China, can only be handled in accordance with general personal injury.

The well-known lawyer Yue Cheng told reporters: this case, if the parties reach a consensus on a divorce,http://w11.s54.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi??U?��??I?, domestic violence Li Yang's behavior certainly have an adverse impact on child support and property division.

Court mediation does not result

Li Yang denied domestic violence

From 9:00 into the court, to the 12:00 out of the courtroom, Li first hearing the divorce case lasted for three hours, the court of the two sides had an hour-long mediation, however, said Li Yang and his wife are still mediation no results.

Li Yang,costo collana tiffany, the court hand out three green Christmas tree style Christmas cards. Li Yang said that the three children entrusted to bring his wife. On each Christmas message to all the English words. Li Yang said he had not seen the child three or four months, and would like them,http://squaring.jp, "My heart wanted to go home." Li Yang said, they couple contradictions from cultural differences. When a reporter asked if he still loved his wife when, Li was silent for a few seconds, said:. "Without emotion, it will not toss so many years are still together."

Li Yang believes that domestic violence is a family member of the other family members continue to engage in violence, but the two big conflict between him and his wife just had, "I do not think this is domestic violence. We both from cultural differences and personality differences. "

Li Yang travel lawsuit Morning Afternoon

Marital dispute outside court cited the media crowd

After the trial ended yesterday, out of the court by more than 30 media Li Yang, a couple of containment, when Li Yang, a media interview, Kim walked into the crowd, Li Yang insisted listen how to express their relationship, the two soon argue. Li Yang reluctantly said: "This is our normal lives."

Reporter: In your family violence, the role played?

Li Yang: Domestic violence this thing is definitely my problem, I victimizers. Is there a culture of domestic violence say is right. My wife had a very noble idea, she wants it, for I have been investigated, has been investigated for forcing me to go to court, but also to Chinese women a role model, if there is domestic violence, then, to bravely stand up. I think this idea particularly lovely. However, in China,http://www.k-macs.ne.jp/~anb/cgi-bin/nicky.cgi, we are not persuaded to persuade and scattered, so after end of the bed and the bed, but she felt that if it easily in the past, there is no educational value for children.

Kim: You should give me a chance to say what I think. You should not say, "my wife's idea," because I'm on the side.

Li Yang: Yes, you can,modelli moncler uomo, you say.

Kim: Domestic violence is a very serious problem in China, many families are very painful. My purpose today is not the money, not the house, I want to tell the Chinese women, your life should not have domestic violence. I listen to my husband in the court said, "I have no house, I have no money," her husband, is not it? Does not matter, this is not the purpose. I can back to the States,moncler outlet milano, my child's nationality is American. However, I do not want my children think that Chinese girls are poor, you can easily beat her husband. I think China has no laws on domestic violence, divorce, only, only legal restrictions on domestic violence. In the United States, the law must be clear much.

Li Yang: I did not say "I do not have a house, I have no money." The words can not say.

Kim: say very clearly.

Li Yang: never said the words.

Reporter: What are these cards? (Li Yang holding three cards)

Kim: This is my father's daughters gave him.

Reporter: I see this card that says, I hope you come home?

Li Yang: This is my second child wrote. I hope "Can you come back, we see your actions." We certainly do harm to the child,nike air max homme pas cher, the key to how to guide.

Kim: Well,woolrich modelli donna, today, I have a daughter in the afternoon performances, I invite you to participate, can I?

Li Yang: This afternoon I'm going away on business, about to catch a plane, you can not participate. Because there are four or five thousand waiting for me.

Kim: Look,http://www.donggen.net/thread-1031525-1-1.html, people outside than we are important. We separate the first domestic violence, and the second is that we can not ask him to be a little bit of time.

Li Yang: that I do not accept the invitation of the family. She once invited me to attend an "international conference Against Domestic Violence." I think for me is ironic, I will not go. Chinese couple will say, we went to see a face in the cafe, but the Americans invited her husband to participate in "International Congress on Anti-Domestic Violence," and she also lectures. I can not attend.

Kim: I invite you how many times, you do not have invited it? Do you have children cell phone, sent her text messages? For three months,http://bbs.00lab.com:8888/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=20121, you are sent a few messages to the children? You can communicate with the Chinese. Lily day you turn on the phone very long message, but you did not give her hair. We have a problem with, is our choice, we are adults, they are our children.

Li Yang: We had previously been seven or eight o'clock at night, I gave them a call to chat, this thing happened, I call my family,spaccio woolrich bologna, she (Kim) said that they did not want to talk to you, this is the result. Can not say I did not contact them.

Kim: You can send text messages ah.

Li Yang: Do not fight this anymore.

Kim: Do you like the performance in front of the media, "how happy my family."

Li Yang: I go to the park if these places, if the media followed, she would blame me. However, I can not control.

Reporter: Do you often at home like this?

Li Yang: Normal is such a dispute. Is these little things.

("Changjiang Daily" feed)