
At 3:00 on December 15 before, and in the streets in Chengdu heading yongxingzhen of a Skoda small car, 39-year-old Miss Deng sweating blood, hidden in the underwear of the phone in a call, endured the pain She kept Zhongmou deal and robbers, and quietly own location to convey to the phone's cousin Yang. The other side,http://www.zgfeimeng.com/thread-49769-1-1.html, along the way the police have been monitoring the movement of the vehicle trajectory, the reality version of "Connected" staged in Chengdu.

30, the reporter learned from the Tianfu New Area police suspected robbery Zhongmou on the 17th at Chengdu to Hohhot Danghuo on trains. Currently, he is arrested for robbery has been under criminal detention. The parties Tang has stable condition, physical and mental condition is improving in all.

Early in the morning to go home

When the stop is "knock heads"

Around at 3:00 on December 15, Miss Deng, who lives in a district of Chengdu in Chaoyang Road and street driving home after work,requin air max, when the area outside of the line to the car wash,http://sgulrep.sgu.ac.jp, a young man standing on the roadside caught his Note that a closer look, this man is washed several times previously for her car coolie Zhongmou.

"No work it so late?!" Casually greeted after Miss Deng drove the car to the roadside parking off being ready to go home when he suddenly felt back of the head is struck, then they fainting to the ground.

Stumbled, Tang has found that start with what she had just greeted the Zhongmou. Subsequently,nike air max pas cher, she was forcibly dragged the car and thrown in the back row, Zhongmou took the car keys, carrying her car left the scene.


In the possession of a mobile phone underwear

Although the head by a heavy blow, splitting headache, but Tang has realized that he is likely to encounter a robber. She quietly took the phone from inside jacket pocket,http://yamagata-np.jp, first call the 110 emergency call, and the phone hidden in the underwear.

After the call is connected, the face of police interrogation wiring for fear Zhongmou found that Tang has been afraid to speak, but fortunately because the phone hidden in the underwear, Zhongmou also did not hear a sound. Then she called the cousin Yang's phone, as soon as possible in order to inform their families, Tang has reluctantly and began to deal Zhongmou.

"Are you in the end want doing, where you take me to the Oh? Well you want a lot of money?" Tang has hinted his situation began to Yang, the phone through speech. Calls on the morning itself very unusual words instantly make Yang Tang has increased the alert,tn pas cher homme, heard two, he confirmed that his cousin is now in danger. Subsequently, Yang immediately to the police.

Meanwhile, Tang has not stopped and Zhongmou deal, while she lied to the family has a lot of cash and no one, inducing Zhongmou and bring it back in, while at the signs in the dialogue after "inadvertently" reported, passed their location to the phone on the other side of Yang.

Police also simultaneously acquired Miss Deng vehicle information and running track,hogan outlet, start the synchronization tracking.


Pushed down Dongfengqu pretend unconscious observation robber

4:00 o'clock, Zhongmou driving to Tianfu New yongxingzhen out of water after the village somewhere near nine Dongfengqu parked car.

In the body of the Tang has more than 2,300 yuan in cash, two bank cards and another hidden in the underwear of the phone no search was gone, they intimidate their say bank card password. Tang has informed that one of balances less bank card password,louboutin, and lied to the two cards the same password.

Subsequently, Ms. Deng Zhongmou will kick down Dongfengqu. Fortunately, a dry season,http://www.auto-tsukamoto.com/hpgen/epad/epad.cgi?del=55, and not many canal water, Tang has homeopathy pretend coma, squint Zhongmou observe every move.

Tang has later told police, then moved Zhongmou a football-sized rock, mouth claiming that "killed you."

Seeing life is threatened once again, the desire to survive, she immediately got up and running all the way along Dongfengqu. Perhaps Zhongmou good catch at the top of sewers, he fled the scene by car.

Subsequently, Tang has helped along the way, a farmer in the next alarm again, after police arrived,http://www.jxrzsh.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=130763, she was sent to Chengdu First People's Hospital for treatment.

Yesterday, her husband said in an interview, the current Miss Deng physical and mental condition are relatively stable,http://www.mon-ju.com, which is improving.


On the train Danghuo want quick money out of the worst

After the incident, the Tianfu New Area Public Security Bureau immediately set up a task force to investigate, by Miss Deng description and bank card withdrawals recorded a series of clues to determine the identity of the suspects Zhongmou.

Police investigations revealed that Zhongmou with their identity cards to buy on the 16th and 17th days of Chengdu tickets sent to Hohhot, 17 pm, he was on the train marshals Danghuo in the car.

Zhongmou 21-year-old, two years has been the opposite of Ms. Chung residential area car wash shop work. Spring Festival approaching, he wanted to make ends meet in a "fast money", then in wondering to dry on a ticket.

Currently, Zhongmou suspicion of robbery have been under criminal detention.

Police resolve

Miss Deng police investigators on the case were resolved Weapon 3 big trick the public in response to a similar situation.

Three trick achievement turnaround classic case

1. calm case, Tang has found himself to be robbed,http://www.zinher.com/zninherlt/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1069594, and the danger of living did not panic after casually aloud for mercy or help to avoid emotional stimulation robber makes life safety has been effectively protected.

2. Alarm opportunistic use of hidden in the underwear of the phone, Tang has reported to the police on the one hand and the family made contact, the first time will pass out of their situation, provide the police with a lot of useful information,http://www.my122.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-244107, to help her create turnaround the conditions.

3. tacit understanding Also, another very important factor is that in the process, all the initiative to call Miss Deng Yang, Yang did not call back. This avoids the phone rings, let the robbers found. If you encounter a similar situation, being mindful of the public for help, do not easily call back, timely access to information is good policy to inform the police.

WCC reporter Xiong Haoran police for map