
August 31 morning, the streets of Nanchong City, Sichuan small river town is very lively, this day happens to be speeding (fair) days. Selling jelly, fruit, selling cheap clothes ...... hawkers in hard to yelling. Compared with the past, but the lack of a fortune-teller in the street scene.

Let these charlatans no longer appeared to be a reason for the murder of eight days ago. Both sides of the murder of the role of a fortune teller, is a return to secular life of the monks.


Surging News survey found that more than 10 years ago, it is a fortune teller a hexagram just let the suspect fled empty net. But suspects vegetarian Buddha after 10 years that the fortune teller harm his youth and life.

Autodidact fortune teller

August 25 at 8:00 am, Nanchong City, Taiwan Xiao damiaocun town, eating noodles, Pang Liangguo 48-year-old has yet to go out. As always this time he has held the bench and calendar to a nearby township stall fortune.

Four stools, a calendar, two pens, a compass, plus a cup, is Pangliang Guo travels tools. In recent years, according to local ganchang schedule, he will be a lunar calendar every four, seven to the small river town, two, five, eight to Brahma temple township, three, six, nine to stall along Township fortune.

The village with his familiar people know, down the river, the Vatican line is the house of his focus line, down the river, he has set up a stall in almost two decades. In these places, we all called him "Pang fortune."

And he charges a fortune from a person in 2000 about one yuan / sub rise to today's 12 yuan / times.

Pang Liangguo home ranked fourth, has a brother and two sisters (have died) above. Lee So his mother group (sound) in the eyes of the younger son is very competitive and very knowledgeable.

His elementary school classmate Li Meng said Pang Liangguo study, after graduating from junior high school exam to the next town of Luxi high school high school. "Did not test the difference between a half minutes from the university, do not eat home, home, sleep for a few days." Yi, the group said.

After graduating from high school, worked as a carpenter with others built a house for 2 years. Lee Meng said, about 20 years old, Pang Liangguo switch to become a fortune teller. "In the Luxi worship a master, but still mostly self-taught. His house more books in this area." Lee Meng had helped transported across the book. In addition, he has also helped Pangliang Guo shipped once the computer, "he would look up information on the Internet."

Lately, Pang Liangguo often look for a book is "Secrets predictions poster book."

Money to support a family fortune

After growing up, Pang Liangguo own homes to move out, and in a place not far away from the parental home built a cottage.

In 2000, Nanchong fortune know people Yunnan Wuding. They began living together in his dark, damp cottage.

Xiao damiaocun home in a very conspicuous, because it is difficult to find than it shabby house. This uses a very old cottage 20 years, the sun can easily shoot through the east side of the wall. House has three rooms are very messy. House door stood a bed, piled on top of the clothes, and next to the bed is a stove and cooking utensils. Home only three household appliances: TV, cooker, pumping well water with a motor.

said the family fortune mainly by income earned money, the first lunar month, February is the best month of income, earn 600,700 yuan a month. Folks say the same village, Pang fortune or make some money, a few years ago is still small river town to buy a house. But no one has seen his new house, including the son of Deng Shen Huifen and just listen to bridge a Pangliang Guo said.

Pang Liangguo same village during his lifetime friend Chen Shunpeng remember Pangliang Guo told him that, buy a house spent more than 30,000 yuan, and now rent it out. After 50 years, he plans no longer fortune, and that time pension to live.

Li Meng and Chen Shunpeng say Pang Liangguo reluctant to spend money, money can save significant. But it is willing to give his grandson snacks.

"How come you do not go? 8:10 a." Pangliang Guo Shen Huifen asked.

"Quest,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, which is to go." Pang Liangguo Having changed clothes to go out.

"I remember back when with 2,3 pounds of meat." Shen Huifen looked to have bottomed out in the oil basin, asking him to come back to refining meat.

Their three-year-old grandson ran out and said: "Grandpa, you buy grandmother (drinks)."

"At home, listening to my mother's words." Pang Liangguo touched grandson's head away.

Who drop out of school to work after

Today, in addition to 41-year-old himself, perhaps before the incident,requin nike pas cher, no one knows where he is, what he is doing.

He had no home, after more than 10 years ago fled to Buddhism is rarely come back to visit family.

Lee Wan Shun Township 3 group number 23 is the place where he grew up living. This building barrack already collapsed, many people became trash the place. Villagers said the house has spent a decade.

Pengguo Yong's parents have passed away,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, the village's only relative is his brother - long.

- Long said that about 16 years old, went to work in Guangzhou Pengguo Yong. His work is also a carpenter (Pang Liangguo original work is also a carpenter). Later there is a thoroughgoing, he accidentally injured his eye, the boss gave him thousands of dollars, he took the money back home.

"In the street, playing mahjong lost this money." - Long remember.

And Pengguo Yong's sister Penggui Qing said, the younger brother grew up learning bad, did not finish primary school drop out. Later, he went to Shanghai,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, Tianjin and other places to work, but did not make any money.

As the youngest brother in the family,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, there is nothing left their impressions back to them.

"No monk must die."

Pang Liangguo stall law is no secret, but Pengguo Yong as early as 10 years ago, and he had the intersection.

According to the description Pengguo Yong family, he is a very superstitious person. 20s, he found "Pang fortune" in the market forget a diagram. This is a diagram to change his fate.

Penggui Qing remember brother had told her: "Mr. told me, not a monk at the age of 28, I have to die." Then, Pengguo Yong gave "Pang-telling" some money seeking to crack the gloom and doom postponed to 32 year old.

"You've got a 32-year-old former monk, the monk put the disaster survived." Pengguo Yong repeatedly returned home with her brother talking about a fortune teller - long words.

So Pengguo Yong monk, to a multi-town Phoenix Mountains Guifeng help make a monk monastery. Since then, he has very little contact with their families.

After the monk,abercrombie outlet online, Pengguo Yong renamed "Continued clear." In the temple, continued clearing school day, chanting, sweeping, selling incense. Occasionally, he would go out and do the practice with other master something. Buddhist Temple in understanding and his master said, continued clear very honest, is an ordinary monk.

Temple insider said with continued clear when a monk leaching disease, it has not cured, more painful, and his body is very weak. "A two-hour lesson and sometimes he insisted on not down,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, skinny skinny." Continued through the master said,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, height 160 cm continued his early Qing, weighing only 90 kilos, "Sometimes, he compares spiritual trance, not normal, often dream. "

Penggui Qing also remember my brother told her nightmares often said, "I'm afraid of a person to sleep, eyes closed, I saw a ghost, very hard to accept."

Initially, three times - long to the temple to find his brother and told him not to listen to the words of a fortune teller, he wanted to take home. But each time was refused, and said:. "I do not come back, come back is going to die."

In Guifeng Temple, "continued Qing learn is not very deep." Continued through the master said, made a monk after about five years, continued clearing away, went to the Jincheng Mountain temple, then went to the other temples.

Because fortune is played twice

8:45 or so, "Pang fortune" in the small river town mahjong Ying Hing Street entrance of the rural credit cooperatives gracefully next to the bench, began the day's manual labor.

Next to the optical shop owner said that before the murders took place, "Pang fortune" to pick up a single business. Have come to him before a three-telling. He, as usual,scarpe online hogan, in a paper to write each other's birthdates, and then began speaking of. Later, he received 12 dollars.

This approach is called "write count." In addition to fortune, he will geomancy, whenever someone to build a house or burial of the dead, he went to see if you can find lots of feng shui, of course, the price is higher than the fortune-telling.

If there are no accidents, "Pang fortune" will be here to sit around 12:00, and then shut the shop and go home.

Back Jintai town, he often would go to spend a dollar grace strong tea to drink tea, chat with friends and Chen Shunpeng etc. People who know him say, Pangliang Guo was never teahouse playing mahjong, and rarely speak with people who are not familiar with.

Chen Shunpeng said they chatted over tea in the international situation, talk news, "he watch TV, know too much. But he never said a thing fortune."

Township health posts along the Second Battalion of weeks to see a doctor in the village fortune nearly twenty years. In his opinion, "Pang fortune" Sometimes money is lying to, "in addition to his fortune and gave people a doctor. I once asked him, you can do this thing than me? He laughed at that."

grocery store on the street and other villagers remember, there is a "huge fortune" to a young couple about to be married fortune, he believes the other sub-character, the man finally marriage to the back.

Villagers said Liu Chengfu encounter such situations, "Pang fortune" often say give people break the law, "he said can give you change, then east blowing west wind, lie at home a few hundred dollars."

Walking dead for so many years, Pangliang Guo also had an accident. Shen Huifen say, once in March 2011 along Township, one was in April 2013 at the Vatican Township Hall. "He took off his clothes back, chest bruising see, I did not know he had been hit." said, the first time playing, who also threw a calendar. She has repeatedly reminded the Pangliang Guo, "all is said, not to say Freeze said."

Did not want to return the money to clean up the fortune teller

Shun Township Many villagers know, is to Pengguo Yong Pang Liangguo calculated "Monk life" so he fled to Buddhism. Every return to the village, he is wearing robes, holding a rosary, foot shoes.

Penggui Qing think, my brother is a very devout Buddhist disciples. Every home for dinner, he will re-wash the dishes again, make their own vegetarian meal. "He also often advised us not to kill." She can not figure out why one does not even kill a chicken who actually killed people.

He is also very superstitious. "He said that even if the letter with the letter a fortune teller." Penggui Qing said Pengguo Yong also advise family members to fortune-telling, but the family did not believe this.

Family suspected Pengguo Yong suffering from mental illness, and sometimes he delirious, a little sluggish, advised him to go to the hospital, but he never go.

Lay said Guifeng Temple, 2012, Pengguo Yong return to secular life. In January 2014, when his mother died, his family saw him, when he often wore ordinary clothes, and no longer is bald, but a small flat.

The last time we met two brothers are New Year's Eve. - Long remember, my brother said many times, "Pang-telling me the whole."

Township to the surging number of villagers along the news confirmed Pengguo Yong Pang Liangguo had numerous experiences of finding fortune request a refund of money, but it has been rejected.

Grocer that would play to his shop when Pengguo Yong hometowns. Peng mother before his death, there was a time she often leaning on two sticks around,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "winter is still holding the fan." said Pengguo Yong fortune teller suspected his mother's head broke.

Also during the Spring Festival, to the grocery store to play. Rende Yun recalled that his mother died, my brother lame right leg, "he said, a fortune to get him the breakup of his whole family miserable. And he Jinmiao unwanted, nobody wanted to work." Pengguo Yong to pack, "Pang fortune."

Half an hour before the murder

In "Pang fortune" to a family of three fortune when Pengguo Yong already sitting behind his.

According to the optical shop owner recalled that morning when she went out to buy food,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, to see a fortune teller booth Pengguo Yong sitting on the back of more than three meters in height. Then there is half an hour away from the murder occurred.

At 9:20 on August 25 or so,hogan interactive 2013, Pengguo Yong Pang Liangguo to bite. When you hear the screams, stuck his head out of the optical shop owner saw handheld two knives stabbed from behind to body. He left a knife inserted into the heart.

Then, Pengguo Yong fled southward.

Jiang veterinary veterinary station was sitting next to the counter and saw his hands stained with the blood of walked. Then I heard someone on the street shouting "Murder! Murder!" Out of the shop, Jiang veterinarian sees "huge fortune" was lying on the steps of struggle.

After ten meters to go south,louboutin pas cher, turn right Pengguo Yong, Creek Street to escape trouble. Before daguokui stalls selling street corner, he also wash their hands from the bucket. Business owners are busy and did not notice at first Pengguo Yong, when she found a bucket of water has turned red, Pengguo Yong has gone up north.

About 10:00, get "Pangliang Guo was hit," the message of Shen Huifen came to the scene, when you see Pangliang Guo, he had been covered with a white cloth. Later, his body was taken to a funeral home in Nanchong City.

Nanchong police arrested the same day will Pengguo Yong. 22:00 the same day, Nanchong City Public Security Bureau on suspicion of intentional homicide shunqing will criminal detention.