
11 o'clock in the evening of January 6, two SUVs arrest in front of the emergency department of the PLA 253 Hospital, after several men got off, and in this one woman into the hospital waiting for emergency department physicians and nurses blows. Emergency department take office chairs, blood pressure monitors,http://home.att.ne.jp/wind/pal9000/cgi-bin/yybbs.cgi, emergency lights, computers regulators, have become "victims" and "weapon."

The medical staff at the scene recalled: "These people took turns beating the medical staff, medical equipment lifting chaos hit a pass, just crazy ......"

PLA 253 hospital emergency department five health care workers were injured, three of them seriously injured, two security persuasion also beaten. According to incomplete statistics, the hospital, the damaged medical equipment worth about $ 500,000.

Female doctor woman suddenly pinched neck

January 6 evening 10:40 Xu, a woman came to the wrist was scratched PLA 253 hospital emergency department. Master classes Dr. Li (female) saw a trauma patient to the operating room they put a check 'wounds. According to Dr. Lee recalled, the two men who have an alcohol then,http://bp.ctxlsj.com/thread-1128495-1-1.html, seems to be just a drink.

"You go to register, we will do the processing, the next step needs surgery." Dr Lee said the injured and their accompanying woman.

When you check the injuries are in Dr Lee, accompanied by the treatment of the injured woman another woman mood suddenly excited,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=6, straight forward grabbed Dr Lee's neck.

Yesterday, the injured Dr Lee told reporters: "We usually read the wound, the patient went to register, because a lot of materials and drugs need to open the computer."

"I do not even think about live Shuigan Dong"

See Dr. Li woman pinched neck hold, the presence of a male nurse hurried opened. Woman hit more emotionally excited, then they chased the male nurse.

"I do not even think Shuigan Dong live,http://guimishare.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=677288, make all the duty officer had to die." The woman shouted.

According to the memories of the night in the presence of medical personnel, beating 30-year-old woman, wearing a black coat, more than seven meters in height, claiming to have been a soldier. When the emergency room,nike tn pas cher, the woman called about one side, while shouting.

"She claims to be called Wang Yu (sound), working in Hohhot new city Department of Transportation, unit leaders often surname." The presence of medical staff recalls.

See emotional woman, report the situation to the hospital medical staff and security personnel on duty total. We thought things had calmed down, they returned to their jobs and continue to the injured woman wrist bandaged wounds.

Row emergency department

After 10 minutes, along with several men claiming to be Wang Yu (sound) woman rushed into the emergency department.

"They see the health care, without any explanation on the use of the fist, feet kicked too hard,http://www.suwacci.or.jp, a lot of things have been chaos hit them a pass." The guard on duty that night, Ms. Shi Wan memories. "I saw Dr. Lee is being beaten by two men, Dr. Guo, vice class (male) approached persuasion, has also been subsequently rushed to the man in pursuit."

Reporters learned that the emergency department medical staff on duty that night nine people after the incident, and the rest ran to call the police or medical personnel to other departments for help.

Nurses were even hit seven ears

Yesterday, the reporter saw the surveillance video of the hospital, Wang Yu Wan nurse consecutive hit seven ears after a man away.

Surveillance video showed several people among the two men and the CDC in the access clinic for four medical staff beaten five minutes or so.

Surveillance video from the reporter saw a man wearing a black T-shirt first picked up a chair and threw a reception indoors male doctor and another man wearing a blue T-shirt also assaulted the doctor. Two male doctors were stuck in the corner of the two men, the CDC's office to pick up something on the table to pound connect two male doctor.

Two doctors were beaten nearly 10 minutes

Surveillance video shows in the access surgeries,scarpe louboutin, two doctors are forced into a corner, was the CDC and several men took turns beating enough to have 10 minutes.

Wan nurse told reporters that the woman called at least four men, some of these people have been stopping health care, free to play any woman.

Yesterday, the reporter learned that the injured Dr. Li's face was splashed on the disinfectant, the vision is affected. The doctor tried to mediate Guo, head severely injured, but also whether there is clinical sequelae were observed.

According to the site's medical staff memories, these people downtown for nearly 20 minutes.

Beating woman attempted to escape

Afterwards, hit men, take two off-road vehicles to leave the hospital. CDC To leave a taxi, sea Road police station rushed to the scene, the CDC stopped by police from the taxi away.

Yesterday,louboutin milano, the reporter went to the new East Sea City Public Security Bureau police station, Li,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=3487, deputy director, told reporters:. "After receiving the alarm, the two patrol police immediately rushed to the hospital 253, and subsequently we arrived at the scene to ask for support incident specific circumstances, and at the scene video, gather evidence in all aspects, "Li,louboutin femme pas cher, deputy director also briefed reporters:." Women's mood has been relatively excited, came to the police station the police do not want to work with us in this case very seriously, but needs further. trial. "

Short-term memory loss and other symptoms appear injured

The reporter learned that the entire incident, PLA 253 Hospital, a total of seven people were injured, including five health care workers and two hospital security. Incident, was hit medical staff and security did not fight back.

Injured five medical staff, there was a brief amnesia, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms, multiple injuries to the skin abrasions, swelling,http://blog.dz-style.com, skin congestion, including the emergency department physician Guo appear canal bleeding,tn pas cher, bruising his hands, limited mobility, etc. symptoms, possible brain damage and hand fractures.

120 emergency forced to stop work

Affected by this event, weekdays Azeri busy emergency department has been unable to work properly, the 120 emergency forced to stop work. Division within the ECG, blood pressure monitors,http://luxiaoman.com/m/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1970964, handheld breathing machines, computers and many other pieces of equipment, software is damaged can not be used.

Yesterday, reporters learned through multi-understand, the new city Department of Transportation does have a woman named Wang Yu is the name of the demobilized soldiers, now in the new city Department of Transportation Readiness Division, recently has been to leave. Whether the CDC is in the hospital beating woman, being related to the leadership council to investigate the matter to verify.

On the progress of events, the newspaper will continue to focus on.

Newspaper correspondent reports