Evening News correspondent correspondent Yu Guo Yan Ling Jie Kong reports,hogan outlet
One night last winter, in less than two hours,air max pas cher, Jinshan District, there were two cases of armed robbery, even more surprising is that the robbers is actually called the police initiative of "victim." Recently, Jinshan District Court held a public hearing of the case to robbery and sentenced to one year and eight months in prison accused Wu and fined two thousand yuan.
Night there were two robberies
Tinglin town in Jinshan District,, Mr. Zhu opened a cosmetic shop, specializing in wines tobacco business, shop six years,, generally open until 12 o'clock at night and more, always have peace. May at December 16 last night,, and Mr. Zhu usual shop floor when the Internet suddenly heard shouting downstairs waitress. He looked toward the monitor, which the scene startled him: a gangster wearing a hat, face mask respirators, wearing black gloves, being single hand gun pointed to his staff. Chu seeing, too late to wear shoes, they ran downstairs. See Chu came down, the gangsters pointing his gun. It was at this very critical moment, Chu had an idea of the robbers shouted: "Here with 110 network monitoring, you dare hands here, 110 came two minutes later." Robber looked back she saw the shop Just behind the monitor, then immediately fled.
After that, Mr. Zhu dialed 110.
The local police station after the alarm, immediately sent police organization dispatched patrols to find the suspect.
More than an hour after the incident, a 21-year-old man went to a local police station, said he had just suffered armed robbery together. He told police that he had just walked in the street, suddenly a gun pointed at the back,, then the criminals stole his cash, mobile phones and other belongings. Record, the victim also described in detail the physical features and clothing culprits.
"Victim" was found in possession of stolen property
Police discovered by comparative analysis, time and location is very close to the two cases occurred, according to the description of two of the victims, the physical characteristics of criminals is also very consistent, which initially concluded that two cases of criminal suspects should be the same person.
After the investigation in the case, the experienced police investigators found some strange place: the victim to the suspect's description is very detailed, where he detailed the accent is probably where people wear clothes and even what color clothes The above description of a clear picture whether the hat. Then think of the tension he asked in an interview,nike tn requin, which caused the police can not help victims of highly suspect. Ultimately through technical means, the police investigation that this "victim" of the alleged snatched mobile phones and other belongings, even still in his body. In the face of irrefutable evidence, "victim" finally pleaded guilty, admit that the name is "armed robbers."
Robbers surnamed Wu, Department of Shanghai workers, long-term unemployment because of economic constraints, eating supper in the evening after the crime, with only tens of dollars, he went on the road, to see their smoking hotel frequented by only a young girl custody, so evil Dunqi, returned to his rented room, took the plastic replica,, hat, masks and gloves, they intend to rob the store some belongings. Not wanted, actually met stubborn resistance shop owner.
After the attempted crime, Wu felt regret very afraid, after thinking it decided to go to the police station to surrender. But to the police station after he was more afraid, "I know that armed robbery is a very serious crime, and if sentenced to ten years, then my life would scrap it", so he reported wiseacre false cases. More ironic is that his report and recalled the physical characteristics of criminals while, has also carried out according to their description.
"90" prisoners conceal remorse
Jinshan court held that the defendant Wu illegal possession for the purpose of using coercion to rob citizens of property,hogan outlet, his behavior constituted the crime of robbery. Defendant has embarked on a crime, because of reasons other than the will not succeed, the Department attempted crime may, in comparison completes the crime, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment, the defendant Wu after appearing in court truthfully confessed his crime, be given a lighter punishment. Eventually,,louboutin homme pas cher, Jinshan court verdict: defendant Wu guilty of robbery and sentenced to one year and eight months and fined 2,000 yuan.
The trial,, Wu conceal his remorse and said: "As a 90 after my own mistakes feel very sorry,, hope peers can learn my lesson, not make the same mistake."
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