
Nanchang CITS shops suspected of illegal operations
Shooting birds out of love, from across the 18 old photographer, to pay 6300 yuan per person to participate in organized by the Jiangxi Provincial Photographers Japan photography folk songs group. But travel agency - Nanchang International Travel Service (the "Nanchang CITS") along the road Sales contract but fails to perform their duties, cause these photographers are Japanese hotel "detained." After paying the fare and accommodation to the Chinese Consulate in Sapporo, Japan for help, old photographer who was able to return home.
Currently, this incident initially identified Nanchang internal business department under CITS illegal operations, due to tour without permission.
It is understood that the provincial tourism quality supervision departments have focused on investigating the case as a 2010 case. At the same time, some travel agents and branch sales department thus reflect the practice of secretly signed a contract with the tourists, will also be one of the focuses of this year tourism quality supervision departments remediation.
Nanchang CITS shops suspected of illegal operations
No photography group of 18 people to access social mingling abandoned Japan
December 30, 2009 night, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, snowstorms.
70-year-old Robert Hu squatted Sapporo one side of the road,http://www.hnwspt.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5469, endured a few degrees below zero cold,http://www.weilaikejicheng.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, is eating a box of instant noodles. Seeing this, accompanied by many of its peers have shed tears.
Robert Hu is the Japan group photography folk songs,louboutin homme, a member of the absence of Japanese local tourist guides and translators, when to eat, he has been unable to properly communicate with the Japanese, can only make do with solving the problem of dinner. Other officers mingling groups, too, the streets looking for a restaurant, and some people even Yiyewumian.
"In Japan two days,http://www.yachtlive.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=377055, travel agents do not arrange to go to any attractions play." Mingling group member Wang Lam Hua told reporters, December 30, 2009, they should go to the trip in Hokkaido Kushiro Tsurui shooting red-crowned crane, but they have been wait. Finally, after repeated representations, travel leader before buying a plane ticket from Kushiro Tsurui there is a long distance from Sapporo. Moreover, no one even stay for dinner intervene.
This wait has been more than once.
Photographers arrive on the first day in Fukuoka, Japan suffered a wait of several hours but no one ignored the situation.
After itinerary based on the contract, the first day, which is December 29, 2009 afternoon,http://bbs.baby169.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=70795, mingling group arrived in Japan Fukuoka airport, take a domestic flight to arrive Xu Chang, Chang-wook SOUNKYO shooting "Galaxy waterfall" and enjoy the local natural Hot Springs, but the travel agency group leader to mingling organizer - Jiangxi Province Photographers Shuhong Guo did not give money to the travel agency refused a photographer who demands. We had a small hotel in Fukuoka, Japan, waiting until midnight of the day, the first and second day of the trip so the soup bubble in waiting.
The hotel was "detained" after returning to the consulate for help
On the third day, in the photographer's repeated requests, the team leader will be arranged for vehicles going Tsurui Kushiro, Hokkaido. When it gets dark, and finally reach the destination. 'To Japan three days, we did not get any valuable lens, valuable time is wasted in Japan in the long and anxiously waiting. "Said Wang Hua Lam evening,http://bbs.ljia.net/thread-620598-1-1.html, mingling group members using a mobile phone in Japan to China Travel authorities were complaints.
Nevertheless, photographers still be reconciled.
New Year's Day 2010, after several rounds of negotiations, the driver agreed to go alone red-crowned crane is equipped photographers habitat, leader but to want to check out the grounds of a local bank teller no delegation. Photographers in Kushiro Tsurui simply shoot over an hour on the back of the hotel. A return to the hotel and they were told that travel agents do not pay money to the hotel and the driver, and then, they are hotel "detained" the. In desperation, photography home phone calls to the Chinese Consulate in Sapporo help.
As not to delay the return of the plane the next day, we were forced out of their pocket for tour guides to settle the fare and hotel accommodation. After return to Sapporo, everyone has to eat dinner at their own expense.
January 2 at 9 am, with grief and anger, photographers arrived in Nanchang in helping Chinese Consulate in Sapporo next.
The next day, they embarked on the rights of way. Photographers require Nanchang CITS 6300 yuan per person return costs abroad, double compensation for economic and moral damages, and the trip to Japan to find out the real reason for the payment of money to travel.
"Travel victim of illegal operations."
Talking trip to Japan, photographers look of anger.
Wang Hua Lam said that in order to be able to catch the first Nanchang to Fukuoka flights, they made preparations early, actually did not expect such an outcome.
It is understood, December 29, 2009, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province opened to Fukuoka, Japan, the first charter flight, breaking the no flights between Jiangxi and Japanese history. The tourist charter flights mainly in the form of running. Wang Hua Lam row
18 is the maiden voyage of the passenger.
These photographers from Jiangxi, Shandong, Hebei and Guangdong provinces. For the fanatical pursuit of shooting birds, they are in mid-December 2009, enrolled in Japan organized by the Jiangxi Provincial Photographers group photography folk songs, and 6300 yuan per person to pay a fee to travel abroad. After learning of the association contact have the money transferred to the travel agent, representative Wang Lam Wah Nam Cheong International Travel Service Co., Ltd. (Yangtze River Road Sales Department) signed a travel contract. Under the contract, they participate in Fukuoka, Japan, Hokkaido four fly 25 photography trip.
"After the Japan Fukuoka,http://bbs.weishan.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=182917, supposed to be there to receive us take community and translation, but travel agents are not scheduled." Wang Hua Lam said, "the victim from the outset, we became illegal operations of travel agents."
Nanchang CITS: shops due to internal operations
Li Jianguo, general manager of Nanchang International Travel Service Co., told reporters that Japan does photography folk songs panel members required to pay the travel expenses of $ 10 million to contact , but the money was not transferred to shops (CITS Nanchang along the road Sales Department) is responsible for Mr Liu. Because the money is not received in time,http://0771r.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, there will be no travel arrangements for the trip.
For this, has said,nike tn italia, when the two sides signed a contract, travel abroad, he put this fee to the shops. "There are always a number between and Liao tangled accounts." Said Li Jianguo,nike requin pas cher, under repeated requests of travel agents, only paid part of travel, "but this is not enough."
As for the passengers arrived in Japan Fukuoka, travel agents do not buy tickets reason the New Year period, said Li Jianguo, Japan inland Flights sharp price increases,louboutin pas cher, the team leader with enough money. First by passengers intended to advance, and then to be returned to fill by travel agencies, travelers who can not, they do not pay to worry about when you travel to the money, so the unpleasant things happened.
In analyzing the causes of this incident, Li Jianguo also admitted that due to the internal operation of shops.
Provincial Tourism Bureau: personnel will be punished
"This incident, the nature of bad, bad influence." For all the acts Nanchang International Travel in Japan, the Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Bureau Tourism Quality Supervision and management Xiong Zhiyong, deputy director, said they had the case to the provincial tourism industry as the focus of this year investigation of the case.
Xiong Zhiyong told reporters, January 1, they received a complaint transferred from the National Tourism Administration, said there are a number of tourists traveling in Japan, travel agents a serious breach of the situation. Subsequently, the provincial tourism quality supervision departments involved in the investigation immediately.
According to preliminary investigations revealed that the incident with the Nanchang International Travel subordinates alleged irregularities related shops. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Travel Regulations",air max tn pas cher, salesroom travel agency set up by non-legal entity, can only be engaged to attract tourists, providing advice, advocacy and other services not directly tour, Jietuan and assigned guides. However, Nanchang CITS shops but contract violations, illegal tour guides and assignment, which not only violates the above provisions, is also suspected of range management.
"The fundamental reason is that this incident occurred, Nanchang International Travel Service under the privately Jietuan shops, coupled with some economic disputes,http://bbs.51studys.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=28728, so that CITS Nanchang no arrangements to take community in Japan." said, not only that, Nanchang CITS in turn delegate group also did not do to this obligation.
Currently, between travelers and travel agents are negotiating how to resolve the matter. Xiong Zhiyong have also said that after the end of the investigation to be, they would irregularities Nanchang CITS and related personnel punished accordingly. In addition, travel agencies and bureaus under the salesroom illegal operations, will serve as one of the elements Provincial Tourism Administration of Quality Supervision departments focus on remediation of the year.
□ text / intern Zhou Yanyan □ chief reporter Yu Guihua map / intern reporter Han Changming Yang Haitao