
Yesterday, the suspect Song, Wang suspicion of robbery by the public security bureau criminal detention Chinese Pagoda Chinese Commercial News reporters Huang Li and Jian She
"I just get on the train, on the bus with a knife they kidnapped me." January 16,louis vuitton borse,http://hg0021.cc/read.php?tid=87306&ds=1, Ms. Fan Xi'an public after almost six hours of the kidnapping. Yesterday, that the suspect was arrested, kidnapped in the memories of that scene, she still could not help trembling slightly.
Work in the morning the door was kidnapped
January 16 at 7 pm, 40-year-old lady who lives in the Fan Yan South Quad and in the past, out of the district intends to drive your own car parked on the roadside to work.
Ms. Fan said that she had just ride, not enough time to mobilize, a man opened the front passenger door to sit in, followed by another man also got into the car's rear. "I asked them why, but the other did not answer." Ms. Fan said, when she realized that there is danger, intends to get off to escape, but without success. Two strange men sat down after a knife stress Ms. Fan car back, with a rope tied around her hands and feet,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=viewres&target=166368/, blindfolded, one of them driving cars to leave the city.
After the victim was abandoned money Huanshan
In the car driving, Ms. Fan tries to negotiate terms with each other, "Along the way, I have always said that money, I will give. But the two men still do not speak." Car driving about two hours later stopped,louboutin homme pas cher, Then two men did speak.
"They want to 40,000 yuan of money to me,nike tn italia, I'm stuck in that time is not so much money, they persecute me with a knife, let me and my family contact." Ms. Fan said, fearing his family's phone rang, the robbers will be filled asking price, not to scrape together money to their families but also for their own safety concern, Ms. Fan colleague's phone rang.
When the phone rang colleague, Ms. Fan hope to have the opportunity to communicate their message to the colleague was kidnapped, but the robbers knife never left her neck, Ms. Fan undeliverable messages had an opening to borrow money. "It was only my colleague lent me two million in cash, so I pointed to another colleague borrowed two million." Ms. Fan said, 10 am, Mr. Zhang colleagues within the money remitted to her bank card,http://www.leon-works.com,hogan uomo, see the money credited into account, two robbers carrying her to withdraw money, "may get the money now, the other side will eventually put me." Ms. Fan said, at 1 pm, in the near Huxian ring on the mountain, the robbers would abandon her and her car left the ring road.
When my colleagues hear strange alarm call
Ms. Fan extreme fear of a steady stable mood, quickly was driving to the Xi'an area, at the moment she did not know that his colleague had been reported.
"She gave me a call when the mood is not talking head can obviously hear the voice was trembling." Colleague Ms. Zhang Fan said Ms. Fan phone,http://caigou123.com/?action-viewcomment-type-ziyoudi-itemid-325, the first thing she does not know where . "This is somewhat strange." Zhang said, when he asked to borrow money doing Ms. Fan, Ms. Fan did not understand, then he might have been suspected Ms. Fan control, speak inconvenient.
After hanging up the phone, Ms. Fan, another unit colleagues told Mr. Zhang, Ms. Fan morning, this is a good pick her up, but has not come to pick, Ms. Fan also seen to work. "Colleague said, in addition to her (Ms. Fan) earlier on the phone, talking quivering, I suspect she may be being bullied." Zhang said, taking into account the safety of Ms. Fan, who was the money Ms. Fan remitted to the bank card. After exchange their money, he applied to the public security Yanta commissaires extension of Fort police station.
Clear up doubts
Why drive targeting single women?
Suspects: money, good control
Mr. Zhang received the alarm,http://home.beamed.com/search/search.cgi, a long extension of Fort police station to investigate immediately. At 3 pm the same day, Ms. Fan went to the police station.
According to the description of Ms. Fan, Ms. Fan police car driving on the robbers running track has been traced, culminating in the January 30 in Zhouzhi County, the suspect Song, Wang captured, the next time they are premeditated robbery.
"We chose single women generally driving. They only wealth." Yesterday, in the long extension of Fort police station interrogation chamber, 21-year-old suspect Wang said Ms. single well controlled driving, robbery relatively high success rate, in addition to buy Women from the car, the economic strength nor poor, generally carry cash, bank card deposit of more substantial. Wang said Ms. Fan was the first goal of their robbery.
Wang said, the same day they are Miss Xiang Fan demanded 40,000 yuan in cash, but in the end go to Ms. Fan bank cash card is only 20,000 yuan, the fear of things brought to light a long time, so get from the ATM machine twice in Huxian After 2 million in cash, they will put Ms. Fan.
"There is no work, lack of money to spend, but also New Year approached, so we move crooked mind." Wang said, robbed 20,000 yuan, they each bought a few clothes, his share of 4500 yuan in cash, but also the 1300 yuan debt, they bought a mobile phone worth more than 1,500 yuan, and the rest of the money has been squandered.
Currently, Wang, Song suspicion of robbery, has been under criminal detention, the case is still under further investigation.
China Chinese Commercial News reporter Zhang Bo
The event was how to deal with hijacking or kidnapping
Once hijacked, we must learn to calmly. In most cases, the main purpose is to map the kidnappers money, not easily harm the personal safety of the abductees, but the premise is not angered suspects. If you yelling for help blind, the kidnappers may fear exposure damage was kidnapped object. Can not say some words to stimulate the kidnappers, such as "I remember your face," and "My Mom and Dad the police will arrest you," and so on, these words might make irrational. Not blindly tried to escape, it is also very dangerous.
Before get rescued the kidnapped person is best with the suspect, waiting for rescue. You can find some easy topic timely initiative and kidnappers chat,http://dl96.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6110, try some gentle, one forced himself to calm down, the second is to ease the tension suspects.
To see how they might be useful escape
■ 2011 12 2 April, Shandong Weifang, nurse Lee was kidnapped in the parking lot. Lee to call their loved ones saying "drunk, crashed with two people, need one million." Because she usually do not drink, it is easy to judge her relatives were kidnapped. After relatives alarm, Lee was successfully rescued.
■ 2011 8 27, Zhuzhou Peas boy was kidnapped on his way home in the tutorial. Because Peas cry no trouble behaved,http://bbs.aymh.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1275, three robbers did not tie him, he called three kidnappers man "uncle" and "brother." The next day,http://www.yashima-tanuki.net/cgi-bin/tkbbs1/tkbbs1.pl?page_num=1]?%A7%E6?%A7%F1, there was a robber with Peas also eat a KFC. On the third day, the police successfully rescued Peas.
■ 2013 8 13, Xi'an man Humou on his BMW car were three men kidnapped, the kidnappers demanded 100,000. Humou victim in the car with three people chat, but also with the way they talk about wine, talk life, talk family, one of the robbers actually cry, to plead his accomplices, to lower the ransom. Police eventually rescued Humou, arrested three kidnappers.
■ 2014 1 5 March,louboutin milano, a 17-year-old girl in Changsha, Hunan by two kidnappers pulled the van to the family demanded 500,000 yuan. After the girl told police rescued two kidnappers emotional hang tight, she approached the topic of the chat, the kidnappers did not make things difficult for her, let her drink, eat.
■ 2014 5 26, the southern suburbs of Xi'an, a third grade Osamu was kidnapped on his way home from school one 16-year-old boy, he did not cry, but also, and suspects bargain, was eventually rescued by the police.
(Original title: ready to drive to work doorstep kidnapped woman (Figure))