
Police at the scene to verify smashed items.
Yangcheng Evening News reporter Dongguan Fu Ji Mao, Li Guolin photography intern reports:. "Fast alarm, I do not go, I'm not afraid of the police came," January 20 at 5:00 pm, more than a dozen men stormed a village in Dongguan Shijie Town on mad smashing offices and security forces in the village booth fees and bluster.
Currently, someone's been arrested 13 men, 11 of whom were under criminal detention, and the other two people under 16 years of age due to administrative detention law. It is reported that before because someone buy fruit and village security guard who had a conflict.
Thwarted early morning bluster
5:00 pm on the 20th of this month, sleeping Bing (pseudonym) was suddenly awakened by the sound of a burst thwarted. Bing went to the balcony and saw a dozen men armed with instruments,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, which hit five or six men are mad booth fee and security forces in the village entrance to the village office.
According to Bing,, said the event was thwarted after a man beaten to buy fruit stall "escape single" cause, when the owner and the man Qinzhu security guard force, the stall towards the man's head with a knife blade slashed "venting." After police arrived, the two sides will be reconciliation.
Man left to kill a "Parthian shot." Ten minutes later,vente chaussures louboutin, the man called a dozen "buddy" to the village to find a security guard, "afterwards." But this time, more than a dozen men just to stay in the village, did not begin thwarted.
At 5 pm,http://www.miaotoo.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the patrol security team work, time,http://bbs.ynlishi.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=12569324, and only one of the older guard at the entrance to the village Yuan a toll booth on duty. After patrolling the security team to leave,http://www.desd.jp/project/plan.php,hogan rebel uomo outlet, five or six men began to hand instruments thwarted "security team" office and booth.
. "Self assertive, full smashed one hour," Bing said, these people remained calm after the thwarted, said:. "Fast alarm,http://bbs.tt919.com/read.php?tid-262522-fpage-80.html/read.php?tid-262522-fpage-80.html/post.php?fid=365?fid=365, I do not go, I'm not afraid of the police came,gucci outlet roma," Bing see this situation call the police. After police arrived, the man was also shot police smashed windows to let the police out.
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter went to the scene,air max.it, the villagers of events occurred that night is silent resentment. "They say people in the village out of a dead one." The villagers do not want to be named, said. Yangcheng Evening News reporter saw the security forces in the village office glass has been smashed a pulpy, a messy office, glass all over the floor. Side of the toll booth is "black and blue" smash the glass smashed, leaving only a framework. Pay camera and card reader also been smashed. Staff are on-site statistical loss items were smashed. Reporters visited the village, trying to contact someone in the stall, but the people interviewed were called knowledge.
Trade dispute smashed to vent their anger
Yesterday evening 6:30 Xu Shijie sent police informed that on July 20, Shijie Town trouble occurred in the case, the suspect Guo Mousen (male, 16 years old), Guo Mouquan (male, 21 years old, are in Pubei people), 13 people were trading disputes, and intentional destruction booth Shijie Town, a closed cell,http://www.alpha-sd.co.jp/bbs/light.cgi, causing the cell loss of equipment worth about 280,000 yuan RMB.
Currently, Guomou Sen, 13 people have been arrested, 11 of whom were under criminal detention, and the other two people under 16 years of age due to administrative detention law.
Informed that on the 20th at 4 pm, in the fruit trading Jeong Division (male, 53 years old, Jiangxi Fuzhou people) after the close of business, pushing a tricycle going back on its Shijie, a village south of Wai residence. On the way, going back to the residence of Guo Mousen drink, Guo Mouquan Jeong see Section 2 people pushing fruit, fruit that is said to buy and eat grapes readily provoked, and a couple of pounds of peaches in bags.
Subsequently, Guo Mousen, Guo Mouquan 2 peaches too expensive again refused to buy. But eating a grape called Jeong Branch, to pay one yuan. Then, pull the two sides,http://www.all-creatures.org/ha/dolphin/petition2stopDolphinKilling.html, Guo Mousen, Branch will Jeong down after beating escape. Jeong families behind while chasing barefoot and shout "beat ah, quick to seize them," Guo Mousen, Jie Guo Mouquan two people fled the village on a closed cell booth entrance when he was just patrolling the village guard patrol far players to catch up, and controlled. In the control process, Guomou Sen, Guo Mouquan two people were slightly injured and Guard members.
Received a report of Shijie police station rushed to deal with,gucci borse outlet, both sides believe that minor incident, voluntary mediation requires the scene. After a verbal agreement the two sides, and do not pursue. But Guo Mousen so back which is located near the square Yue Jie new rental after talking with fellow Guomou Dong and other matter, and later found the phone is lost during the event, gourmets raw displeased to find Jeong Division compensation and shouting revenge patrol team. So Guomou Sen, Guo Mouquan, Guomou Dong Jie, 13 people came to a village on the south Wai, looking Jeong Branch and its control of the patrol team, failed.
The 13 people they intend to turn back the rental, when passing through the village on a closed cell booth, , who put private booth to vent their anger in the street to pick up bricks, sticks and other objects of intentional destruction of booth facilities, and readily used by folding chairs and other objects within the booth on guard duty Yuan Mou (male, Shijie on a village) and other beatings, causing Yuan hand injuries, etc., the district lost equipment worth about 280,000 yuan RMB. Subsequently, heard the news rushed to the villagers on a 13 Guomou Sen who controls the transfer of Shijie police.
After the trial, such as its trouble Guomou Sen criminal confessed.
(Original title: Dongguan security team hit 13 nights fanatics clamor police provocation "to a dead one.")
 (Edit: SN053)