
Guangzhou Panyu incident a kindergarten, parents and garden party armed with a speech, the surveillance video did not get "hit" screen Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhao Chen
Ms. Zhou Guangzhou Panyu District on the 17th 5-year-old daughter to help Vicki (a pseudonym), a bath and found the child buttocks inexplicable wounds. Because Vicki said to be playing a teacher in kindergarten toilet,http://www.yzygsc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2874159, she had got to do this repeatedly to kindergarten, "discussing." The park director Liu told reporters yesterday that the matter unfounded suspicion Vicki said,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "is playing teacher" is induced by the parents, and I hope she had got an injury with Vicki, also a kindergarten teacher innocence.
Parents: Daughter ass was wounded teacher
19 afternoon, the reporter in Panyu boulder along the Road to see the writer who had got.
Speaking of things from the 17th. Vicki day kindergarten from home feeling very depressed, said he "is not happy today," Ms. Zhou did not take too much notice, until 21:00 to help Vicki bath and found a strange scar on Jidao Vicki ass,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "but red and swollen, inverted triangle shape. " Ms. Zhou repeated pressed, Vicki just say "yes Xuan teacher with scissors thorn."
Ms. Zhou said that after 17 noon Vicki could not find a stool to get up, was dragged into the bathroom to play teacher, daughter, teacher to a barbed blocks into her pants, forced to beat her ass, but also with scissors stamp her ass. Reporters saw Vicki hip addition to the obvious scars two rows of inverted triangular shape,http://542813.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=67194, there is an obvious bruising. Zhou said,http://www.tgh99.com/home/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=725155&extra=,louboutin 2014, that after bruising scissors poking traces.
On the 18th morning,air max 2012, took her daughter to the nursery she had got to discuss that, the zoo is considered absolutely impossible for the teacher. Insisted she had got to find a "weapon" in the kindergarten classrooms, but in addition to the number one work with scissors,cintura gucci uomo, and did not find the "barbed building blocks" daughter mouth. In desperation, she had got had the police, but the police recommended that she had got the kindergarten compounding. Then she had got her to the hospital with a bandage,sciarpe gucci prezzi, the doctor said it could not determine the source of the wound.
On the 19th, she had got the principal received calls, "they said,http://bbs.8182game.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4033523, if you still want to believe the kindergarten, took Vicki get back, you can change a class," but she had got rejected.
Kindergarten: Parents want teachers also innocent
19 pm, Ann kindergarten principal Liu told reporters that the modulated see surveillance video, it did not find that she had got the case mentioned. Xuan teacher also said that he did not fight Vicki,basquette louboutin homme, but did not take any sharp objects stabbed Vicki.
Liu said the principal, she had got to kindergarten with Vicki "discussing", she immediately saw the surveillance video transfer on the 17th, because the toilet did not install the camera, only to see Vicki and Xuan teacher in class activities situation. Video display, while two did not come out from the toilet.
Reporters saw the surveillance video, Vicki could not find a stool in the corner crying, around 15:14, Vicki direction to the lunch room (bathroom next to) walk,http://www.512xz.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=176846, disappeared in the picture. Liu said the principal, and this was a teacher named Vicki Lin past hair tie. At that time, Xuan teacher to the children in the other place eating, during and Vicki did not have any contact. Because of the angle of the camera can not shoot to Xuan teacher, teacher and Vicki had Xuan common illusion disappear. 15:17 Xu, Vicki while carrying a stool back corner, no mood disorders. Reporters saw, Xuan teacher Vicki does have a few from the opposite direction into the picture.
Liu Weiwei principal suggestion she had got to go with an injury, but also an innocent kindergarten teacher. Editor: Mu Qing
(Original title: kindergarten teacher,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, principal and wounded children ass uncompromising parents (Figure)?)