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4 pm, the public Zhang Jian carry a face value of 30 kg dime, came in the middle of civilization Avenue City, a mobile phone shop, use the money to buy a cell phone. Zhang Jian said his family noodle shop is open,http://sarasa.coron.jp/bbs/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=1907,les chaussure louboutin, so there is a lot of coins to his house. "Today these coins to buy a cell phone, I'm glad." Zhang Jian said.
[News +] inventory of those coins to buy things with a wonderful thing
[Man with 16 sacks a dime to buy a car] June 13, 2014, who lives in Xi'an Wang is a chef carrying a dime of 16 sacks filled with a total of 48,biella outlet gucci,500 yuan to buy a car Wuling Automobile 4s shop, difficult In case of car trouble in the bank,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the bank one day without end point. Detail & gt; & gt;
[Binzhou people with two sacks of coins car inventory clerk two hours] November 7, 2014, Binzhou public Liu car with two sacks change. 4S shop five full staff number of more than two hours. Liu said he was a beverage agents, change the home more. Detail & gt; & gt;
[Man Hefei buy domineering side leakage: 900 000 sacks of cash to buy a house] June 22, 2013, a small group of children with a sack Huainan,http://tsuruo.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/after/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1, Hefei a real estate company to buy a house. "Is the first time I saw so many customers with cash to buy a house." But the "red " answer to Ms. Yin received his dilemma: "The most dangerous place is the safest place,coco chanel borse, bank card I used bad money or carry themselves with more confidence, "Detail & gt;. & gt;
[Elderly embrace 1500 coins to buy a refrigerator, count to tremor] October 31,http://www.lovekensyo.com, 2014, Sanya City, Pearl Square to usher in an elderly couple to consumers, elderly couple chose a refrigerator and paid, indeed, counter mall Waiter shocked, original box filled with old people hold full 1500 $ 1 coin. Detail & gt; & gt;
[3 sacks 5 hair to buy not only the phone] September 14, 2014, Wenzhou, a cell phone store came a "mysterious" man,http://www.xiaoshuoyueduqi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=281897, mouth to buy five apples 5S "Tyrant gold" phone. In Wenzhou,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, buy iPhone 5 it would not be a big deal, but what happened next,http://isp-list.biz/cgi-bin/pseek/search2.cgi, but far beyond people's expectations. I saw the man suddenly carried to three sacks, which poured a bunch of a bunch of money, all 5 cents notes, there are dozens of full bundle. Detail & gt; & gt;
[Jiyuan small group of children to marry the man sent 20,000 dimes] wedding gifts of gold is a very common thing, but Zhao wedding day but received a very "heavy" gifts,http://www.tdk.com,hogan nuovi modelli, twenty thousand a dime, weighing 300 pounds . "Who used to send me a big surprise,basket louboutin homme pas cher, did not think that gave me so much coin, really let me also unexpected and helpless." Later Zhao through supermarkets to large coins into paper money. Detail & gt; & gt;
[ZhongMou angry men get 1200 coins to pay the child support payments] Both men and women living together after the breakup, child rearing by the woman. Because three consecutive months the man did not give the child support payments, Ryu apply to the court for enforcement. October 28, Zhongmou County Court judge told reporters: Zhang actually pouted out 1200 one yuan coins to pay alimony.