
Extra! Extra! Luo Yufeng "Feng" in the end of the year and gave us some positive energy is the heart stopper! Had threatened to "Nobel Prize of confidence" Feng Christmas Eve but myself in the "Twitter" on dispatch to run for US president: ". I & nbsp; want & nbsp; to & nbsp; jingxuan & nbsp; USA & nbsp; zongtong"
Regardless of Xifeng this true or false, and more recently by any stimulus, let us from a purely technical point of view,, serious analysis, become eligible to issue a US presidential candidate, by the way is something to worry about Xifeng 2016 US presidential election will encounter What are "ruthless role."
[White House] threshold
The US Constitution provides for the qualifications of presidential candidates is very simple, only one sentence: "No person except a natural born citizen of the United States or at the time of adoption of this Constitution is a citizen of the United States shall not be elected as president; where younger than thirty-five residing in the territory of the United States under 14 years who are not elected as president. "Such broad, as long as the original almost every American citizen the opportunity to become president.
But Trick rolling,nike air max skyline, the legendary only temporary green card, network transmission side 29 years of "Feng" absolutely not meet the requirements.
On the surface, almost as long to become a US citizen is a potential president, is president of the "candidate", but to become a candidate worthy of the name, have to go through thousands of miles, through,acheter des louboutin,http://www.51xxoo.co/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=200165, no easy task.
But first, the US president is either the Republican or the Democratic Party, there is no president is independents, or a third party. Only to get the party nomination, it means to become a presidential candidate genuine. Candidate obtains the nomination means only one step away from the president, at least 50% may be in the White House.
To hundreds of millions of people across the country to find a person to do the president is not easy, to meet the conditions of the citizens have to have hundreds of thousands. Pinch to count, from Iowa or New Hampshire primaries within the party caucus election or until December to finalize the presidential candidates, the election battle really want to continue all year long. Those who covet the presidency, already ahead of N a long time, need to gather popularity, the accumulation of capital.
After the party election, the party held a congress declared presidential candidates,boy chanel,http://rankingoo.churu.jp, campaign between the two parties will officially start.
Xifeng, or else we still continue pedicure, right?
What opponents] [Xifeng
We assume there is no problem in Xifeng become the presidential candidate qualifications. Then she self party, leading to the White House "Oval Office" on the road will encounter many "stumbling block"? Let's take a quick look at Xifeng those strong opponents.
The first one to say is the same as the former Secretary of State and Xifeng woman Hillary Clinton. In 2008 the American people after the president was "black or a woman,outlet hogan casette d ete hogan rebel fabbrica hogan," the big choices in and had to exit, Hillary Clinton has once again become the hottest candidate for the 2016 Democratic Party presidential election.
In a recent joint by the US cable TV news network, a pollster for the 1045 American telephone interviews showed that Clinton won a landslide victory in the Democratic Party and the left-leaning non-partisan respondents, 65% of people support She became the 2016 presidential election,air max 97, Democratic candidate.
Clinton's supporters say she may decide to stand for election will be announced in early February next year. An American university professor familiar with the small series had categorically said: "The question now is whether Hillary decided to run, once the election, the presidency changed hands almost no possibility."
However,http://bdcqw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=33911, Clinton now "obstacle" or support from Democrats continued low rate, "teammate" - now President Barack Obama. Republican pollster Whit Ellis said she wanted to distinguish themselves from Obama and easy. "She wants to convince voters in an unpopular president after the election even then she let third term with a political party, which for her is a very difficult challenge."
Jeb Bush (left)
On the Republican side, former US President George Bush's second son, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on the 16th of this month announced that it will set up a political action committee, "actively exploring" to participate in the 2016 US presidential election is feasible for him. & Nbsp;
AFP commented that the political implications of Jeb Bush's comments come in the "re-understand, but also the" almost equal announced that it will participate in the presidential elections. & Nbsp;
George HW Bush (left) and Bill Clinton (right)
US media were quick to recall the two political families compete for the White House drama in two acts: In 1992, Democrat Bill Clinton and President George Bush when he was fierce competition, and ultimately Clinton wins; in 2016, the second son of Jeb Bush's old or battles Clinton's wife Hillary Clinton, who will win? & Nbsp;
In fact, the Republican Party is fierce contention, and may evolve into a "meat grinder" type of melee. 2012 Obama "bloody in the end," the Republican candidate Mitt Romney, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Senator Marco Rubio and Rep. Paul Ryan, and other "big" are likely to join the war group.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
"Bush family" is both a political asset, it may become a burden. Analysts said that if the win the Republican presidential nomination, Jeb Bush must prove that he can put Americans to unite,http://www.tacticalforums.com, to convince the majority of Americans, the White House Oval Office to usher in third place worth surname "Bush" master.
However,http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, as a "cosmic first confident girl," Feng naturally it does not care about the other candidates. Feng said in a stall in the American television show, in various American presidents, the relatively admire Lincoln,http://kamiya.capture.jp, Roosevelt,http://friendlycity.info/profile.php?user=gaamcwijdxfg&v=comments&v=comments, "and Obama's speech I saw two pages, I feel okay." (Xinhua reporter Lin Jing International Client / Edit DU Kin)
Edit: SN123